Basketball requires a special basketball shoe designed with specific features to facilitate smooth movement while at the court. The shoes are designed with either leather or rubber soles or weigh [...]
Luka Doncic hails from Ljubljana Slovenia yet he is quite happy to be living in the big “D”, Dallas, Texas. Doncic has emerged as an NBA superstar in less than two years of play. Doncic, while [...]
Basketball shoes have unique designs as compared to other shoes. They have straps on the upper part, ensuring that it fits you well, and your feet remain intact. Kevin Durant Basketball Shoes [...]
Like everything else, perfecting your basketball shooting requires hard work. It’s not easy being a consistent knockdown shooter, and neither does it happen overnight. You must be willing to [...]
Athletic footwear is designed to match their specific games. They provide proper comfort and enhances the participant’s skills in a particular game. Buy sports shoes made for the particular sport [...]
What lengths will you go to become a better basketball player? Are you up for putting long hours in the gym, watch your favorite players’ move, even learn your opponent teams’ gameplay? There is [...]
The year was 1985. The man, Michael Jordan, was fresh off an Olympic basketball gold medal and a five-year deal with Nike. Ballplayers all around the world had the game turned on its head with [...]
When it comes to basketball, it is all about the kicks. Pick the right pair of sneakers and you really will be able to drive the lane with confidence, jump to your peak potential and turn on a [...]